
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Writing Resume as of 12/21/04

A list of my published (and soon-to-be-published) works:

 “Guilt” – Mystery in Mind, Parapsychology Press, ISBN 0-9727494-0-3
 “Bill Buys Another Scarf” – EWG Presents: Without A Clue, March 2003
 “Baby’s Breath” –Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine, June 2003
 “Spectral Evidence” – Ghostbreakers: New Horrors, ISBN 1-897013-19-1
 “Miss Glenn Goes to Frankfort” – The Letter, April 03; GLSO News, April 04
 “My Low-Carb Canadian Wedding” - The Letter, July 04
 “Hexing Herbert” – Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine, October 2004
 “Murder Most Vial” – Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine, April 2005
 “Party to a Fall” – Derby Rotten Scoundrels Too, Fall 2005

Other writing experience:

 Acted as first round judge in Futures’ 2003 “Slesar’s Twist Contest”
 Editor and columnist for Rainbow Wind (newsletter) – 1995-97
 Editor and columnist for The Trellis (newsletter) – 1989-92


 B.S. in Journalism from the University of Kentucky
 Graduate courses in classics - University of Kentucky

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