
Monday, November 21, 2005

This quiz actually is sorta-kinda applicable

I normally don't post quiz results here, but "What Kind of Novel Should I Write?" seemed relevant during the NaNoWriMo month.


GOTHICS! - Deep, dark, mysterious and melodramatic.
You are drawn to write tales of the shadows and
what might lurk there. Could it be Love? Or
Madness? Anne Rice and Brahm Stoker are your

What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
brought to you by Quizilla

Strangely enough, I have never been able to get into Anne Rice.

Sarah G

1 comment:

  1. First, thank you for your kind comments on my Nano blog. Please see the latest for my feelings on reaching 50K. And congratulations for reaching your own personal goal this year.

    Second, here is my quiz result:

    (oops - I can't post images in your comments)

    SCI-FI! - Neuromancy and technical wizardy! You are compelled to write of the Future and what might be a thousand years from now or next week! Is it a visit to an Alien Culture? Or a breathtaking new form of Technology? Isaac Asimov and William Gibson are your guides.
    What Kind of Novel Should I Write? brought to you by Quizilla

    One of my initial plot ideas was sci-fi, so that's not a bad result. On some of the questions, I could have easily picked some other options, which would have probably given me a different result.
