
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sorta-Kinda Convention Schedule

Yes, it's been a while since I posted. I've thought about posting, but my little gray cells have been busy elsewhere, mostly working with my wife to determine our schedule for the rest of the year. I'm sending out ARCs, and have received the final-final copy from Pill Hill of my novel, All This and Family, Too. I have a couple of short stories I should be hearing about, now that their submission deadlines have passed.

So... the schedule so far:

Gwen is presenting at Authorfest in Schaumburg, IL next Saturday. I'll be tagging along, but not speaking. If you like historical fiction, you'll like her presentation AND her writing.

Gwen and I will be attending the Golden Crown Literary Society conference in Orlando, FL. We're con "Virgins", so I'm expecting to be sacrificed.

We'll be at FandomFest in Louisville, KY. Come on down to see the zombies!

15 - 18: Bouchercon in St Louis, MO. Gwen and I both hope to be on panels, but there's a lot of competition. We're already scoping barbecue places.
23 - 25: Scarefest in Lexington, KY. Not sure who the headliner will be, but it was George Romero last year!

22: A Day of Mystic Blood Lust in Lexington, KY. See the trailer below for more info:

We really wish we could afford to go to Magna cum Murder this year (28-30), but we just don't have the money. I'm especially sorry since Parnell Hall is the featured guest.

12th: I hope to have a berth at the Kentucky Book Fair in Frankfort.

We hope to see you at one or more of these gatherings!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man, I'll miss you guys twice! The Southern Indiana Writers were scheduled for Shaumburg, but the fertilizer hit the windmill for everybody who was going except me (knock wood) and I'm not going alone, so we had to cancel.

    Maybe you'll win the lottery or something by October. It's hard to stretch the dollars, as I know.

    Marian Allen
    Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes
